
How do I use Kinscape?

I have over 20 Communities in different accounts, defined by different email addresses. I use multiple accounts to separate various types of Community; personal, businesses and sports. I found that this makes it easier to handle.

There are several more I need to set up. One is to scan, organize and store my medical records that seem to be expanding exponentially and which I can never find when I need them!

I have two Communities for families: one on my father’s side and one on my mother’s. People on my father’s side are different from those on my mother’s. What is interesting to one is not necessarily interesting to the other.

Kinscape provides for different versions of a Story for different Communities.

My Profile in my father’s Community is different from that in my mother’s Community.

In both Communities I have put a selection of the thousands of photos and videos dating back to the 19th Century that are in my wife’s and my possession. Where possible I have captioned and explained the context for them. It is always frustrating to pick up a photo and say ’Who on earth is that?’ or ‘Where were we when that was taken?’ and not have an answer.

I have set up a couple of Communities for other branches of the family (cousins) where I set it them up but they now own them. Kinscape provides for such transfers.

My main sports Communities are related to sailing. I have one overall sailing Community and then separate Communities for different types of sailing. For example, I sail Dragons in Europe, J/70s in the US, and J22s in Cayman. Sometimes I set up Communities for major regattas, because those are really only useful for a period of three months or so for active participation of the crews and other support. After that they are a record with photos, videos and results of course. I also post debriefs.

The reason I do not just make each regatta a separate Story in the overall sailing Community is because the crew participation is different and privacy consideration (certificates, for example) make it advisable.

I can take key elements (results, for example) out of a regatta community and put it in the overall sailing community .

I have communities for the various businesses in which I am involved. There are several related to Kinscape. We organize different Communities by year.

Development Community that has Stories for Improvements, Bugs, Meetings, Reports, etc. Everybody in our team contributes to these Stories as necessary. We also use it for messaging to one or more of the team members. This does not replace the use of products like Teams, Trello or Figma but forms an umbrella over those separate and more detailed project activities.

Marketing Community that has Stories on Research, Messaging, Member feedback, Social Media use, etc.

Administration Community with contracts, NDAs, etc.

Each Community has a different Membership. This is key; privacy and efficiency considerations often determine use of separate Communities in an account rather than just different Stories.

Using Kinscape as an overall communications and storage vehicle is very useful for communications and record maintenance. Stories give the context for documents, records, etc. Knowing why something was done is often as important as what was done.

We have a set of Communities for major travel events.

For example, a trip we made to Antarctica several years ago to place a monument to the scientists and others who have died there on the research stations. It is a dangerous place.

We have just set one up for a recent trip to the Arctic. We had a different set of fellow travelers from the Antarctic trip to share our stories, photos, and videos.

I use a separate account for our family real estate activities including our siblings and children and another for real estate investments.

I have a Community for a rugby team that we set up at Imperial College in London 60 years ago.

We hold weekly Zoom meetings on a Sunday attended by members of the team that are now located all over the world, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Zimbabwe, United States, Britain, France, and other countries.

We record the meetings on Vimeo and store them in a Meetings Story in Kinscape.

We develop and post memorials to those of the team who have died; unfortunately, an increasingly frequent event. We collaborate on the memorial Story as we all have different memories of the person concerned. Several of the wives of player who have died stay in our community and attend our meetings.

I am setting up Communities for tennis and pretty soon for pickle ball.

I use My Personal Space for all my records:

Education and employment records.

 As described earlier, I’m building out my medical records in my Vault (file store). This will avoid me having to dig through DropBox, Exchange, drawers and boxes to find blood tests, visit records and things like that. I am scanning physical records and putting them into electronic boxes in my vault and where appropriate Stories about various aspects of my health.

Very importantly, I use it as a storage system for all the photos in our family going back to the 19th century. My father’s family were in Guyana for many years and then my father joined the Royal Air Force in 1932 and went through the second world war. He was in Palestine in the 1930s setting up communications. He met my mother in Egypt during that time. He was an amateur photographer, so we have quite a collection.

Of course, my wife and I have lots of photographs of growing up and the various things we were involved in. We have digitized all the photographs before digital cameras came along. Since then, the number of photographs by year has increased exponentially. Filtering out the interesting ones is quite a task, but the records are all there in our vault. The photos I find interesting are different from those my grandson chooses. The ability to caption photos and videos in Kinscape is very useful.

It is important to have a back up Administrator for Communities and Kinscape provides for that. For me that is my wife and then my daughter. Once you have a living Community it has a life of its own and it will last for generations when the administration is passed on when the Admin for whatever reason becomes incapable of functioning in that role.

We now have the ability to store and then look back on records and stories almost forever. At one time people recorded key events in the family Bible inside the front cover, but now we have the ability to record  electronically for posterity. This is a very important aspect of kinscape for me. I know past events happened in our families but  have no idea why. There is no story there! Future generations in our family will probably have more than they can deal with, at least on my side although my wife is more contained.

I have deleted Communities that were not useful anymore; usually ones without any active Members. I transferred key information into another Community and set of Stories.

There are so many ways of using Kinscape. One of us uses it for sharing homeopathic remedies. Others use it for recipes and another group is using it for educational purposes. Somebody else is using for internal family betting like who’s going to win the Super Bowl. My rugby group has collaborated on singing songs together.  Coordinating that was an experience.

As I hope I have shown here, there are lots of ways of using Kinscape and I hope you find them and enjoy them.

With about 2.9 billion active monthly users, Facebook is arguably the world’s leading social media and social networking service today. But the number of subscribers regularly changes as members often come and go for many reasons, including those looking for social network and group alternatives. 

Why do people leave Facebook?

So just what are the reasons for trying to find an alternative to Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends, and share precious moments? Certainly, negative press and scandals such as Cambridge Analytica, the Snowden leaks, and political manipulation have stirred criticism and fueled controversy.

But among the Facebook members we spoke with, motives are often complex and varied. A major complaint we heard over and over is that the Facebook algorithm doesn’t always show every post from friends or family, but instead shows you what it thinks is engaging content. For many, this is both frustrating and creepy.

Others expressed concerned about wasting too much time on the platform or that they worry about its echo-chamber effects and the negative psychological and health impacts from social comparison and feelings of envy. Other reasons include:

  • Concerns over data privacy. Again, this is a major issue as members increasingly resent being tracked and their personal data used for ad targeting.
  • Irrelevant and overshared posts, which often show in newsfeeds and are difficult to control.
  • Difficulty managing overblown networks without unfriending people and damaging relationships.
  • Reputation damage from old posts that are still floating out there from those raucous teenage years.
  • Unsustainable social obligations. For instance, having to like posts back or feeling duty bound to post a funny comment.
  • Distracting clickbait that just seems to come from nowhere.
  • Security threats from phishing scams that try to harvest information to hack your password and hijack your account.
  • False advertising from fake companies trying to sell you miracle products.
  • Disinformation, whether political, health-related, or simply malicious.
  • Ethical concerns as the company dominates the social media industry and whistleblowers leak stories of unethical behavior.

Facebook Group Alternative

Whatever the reason, finding an alternative to Facebook for keeping in touch, networking, and sharing important information about your life can be challenging. Many platforms target specific features and lack robustness in others. For instance, Twitter and Instagram support short posts and images, TikTok focuses on video, and Pinterest is based on image sharing.

Other alternatives, such as NextDoor and Dischord, support specific member communities with limited features. And while the list of social media options continues to grow, few have been able to incorporate all the handy features members crave without the drawbacks of a freemium business model.

Facebook Messenger Alternative

There may be many reasons why people are looking for an alternative to Facebook Messenger to connect with family. Reasons may also include privacy and data tracking concerns. Alternatives, such as Skype and WhatsApp, offer many of the features commonly used and may be suited for either business or personal use specifically. However, managing multiple messenger apps for different audiences can be burdensome and time-consuming.

Private and Secure Facebook Alternative

When we designed Kinscape, we listened to many Facebook members who were frustrated with current social media options and wanted to connect more intimately with family and friends in a safe, private environment. Turns out, many of the people we spoke with were fed up with the pervasive and exploitive advertising model, and unhappy with loss of personal data control. 

From there, we listed out the networking features that were important in helping people stay connected, share precious moments with loved ones, and keep up to date. These features include:

  • Ad-free social networking
  • No targeting or newsfeed manipulation
  • Members have 100% ownership and control of data
  • User-friendly access and controls
  • Easy-to-create communities and groups of specific contacts
  • Private chat function
  • Collaboration tools for storytelling and information sharing
  • Safe, private, photo, video, voice, and document storage

Rather than simply cloning Facebook to create a mediocre alternative with similar useability issues and limitations, we designed Kinscape, a new and exciting kind of subscription-based social media network. Not only is privacy and data security at the heart of everything about Kinscape, but we took the kinds of features people were already enjoying and improved them.

Connect with Family and Friends in an Ad-Free Space

There are many flexible ways in Kinscape to share, invite members, and create content within your communities, making them a powerful alternative to Facebook groups, Pinterest boards, WhatsApp groups, and other networking apps. Here are just a few of you’ll love and want to take advantage of as you build your network:

  • No ads, no clickbait, no tracking: Subscription based means that rather than selling your data to the highest bidder through targeted advertisements, you pay a small monthly or annual fee and can take advantage of all of Kinscape’s features without fear of having your data exploited or sold.
  • 100% control of your data: Every feature in Kinscape comes with an option for you to share if, when, how, to whom, and where you choose. Just you, no one else decides. And if you feel as though you’re seeing too much of someone else’s content, you can adjust that setting, too. 
  • Create communities of any size: Communities in Kinscape can be as small or as large as you like, and you can have as many as you like, but they’re all distinct. Family, close friends, knitting circles, soccer teams, local clubs, school alumni, school records, work colleagues—the options are endless and designed to cater to the communities you interact with separately in your daily life.
  • Create stories and build legacies: There really is no true alternative to the story feature in Kinscape, as it gives you the flexibility to create stories that are as long or as short as you like, and use multiple types of content—photos, video, voice recording, PDFs, and more to tell your story. Again, you choose who to share your story with, whether you’d like them to collaborate in building it, and then publish if and when you’re ready. You can set the date to publish as well.
  • Stay in touch with private messages: Our messaging feature lets you stay in touch, ask a quick question, or reach out to your contacts any time, letting you choose whether to message a community or individuals in a totally private and secure setting. No worries that if you ask Uncle Dan about his bout of stomach flu, you’re going to start seeing ads for ant-acids in your newsfeed.
  • Store important data and content in your own private vault: Another popular and unique feature in Kinscape is its private Vault where you can safely store your online content. Kinscape automatically stores the content you upload into your communities here, but you also have the option to upload other precious digital items, such as PDFs, videos, voice files, and more. It remains accessible at all times, but safe and private, until you’re ready to share.

If you’re on the hunt for a good alternative to Facebook and looking to avoid newsfeed algorithms, targeted ads, data protection risks, and more, be sure to do your research and give Kinscape a tour. We’re confident you’ll find it offers many of the features you enjoy without the issues that can keep you up at night worrying.

And to make it even easier, you can get started for free straightaway, and see for yourself how flexible and fun staying in touch through social media can be.

Visit and sign up now.

  • offers a private social network designed to help families stay connected.
  • It provides a safe space for sharing photos, videos, and important family moments without the privacy concerns of public social media platforms.
  • With features like group chats, family trees, and private messaging,
  • Kinscape makes it easy to nurture family bonds and keep everyone in the loop, no matter the distance.
  • It’s perfect for sharing milestones, recipes, and traditions, ensuring that even long-distance families can celebrate together. Kinscape prioritizes privacy and security, giving you full control over who sees your content.

Kinscape provides a safe space for sharing photos, videos, and important family moments without the privacy concerns of public social media platforms. With features like group chats, family trees, and private messaging, Kinscape makes it easy to nurture family bonds and keep everyone in the loop, no matter the distance. It’s perfect for sharing milestones, recipes, and traditions, ensuring that even long-distance families can celebrate together. Kinscape prioritizes privacy and security, giving you full control over who sees your content.

Share stories, records and memories with future generations.
Create a personal “[Your Name] Life Story” Community
Add stories with titles, photos, and videos.
Organize Stories/Chapters by education, hobbies, locations, etc.
Create a “Family History” Community:
Family trees
Collaborate by setting up shared stories
Make your legacies safe and accessible forever.

‘Legacy’ is a wonderful book by Linda Spence published in 1997. In it she writes about the importance of developing a personal history and how to do it.

As Linda says, Legacy is about life, your life, and it is a gift to others.

But how do you start? How do you fill in those blank electronic pages?
One way is purely chronological, starting with your earliest or latest memories and working forward or backward as appropriate. You might do that by year, decade, or stage of life (childhood, adolescence, etc.)
But you can be creative and organize by pursuits such as education, sports, hobbies, locations you have lived, work streams, etc.
The great thing about using Kinscape for your legacy is that you can set up various Stories and if you like Communities. For example, you might set up a Community where your Stories are calendarized, another that covers a particular sport like tennis, another on stamp collecting and another on your family history with Ancestry and 23andMe data.
What I found useful is just starting. Set up ‘My Family History’ Community; set a few stories with Titles, grab some photos and videos and start dropping them in and adding commentary and amazingly quickly you have a bunch of stuff. Then it is important to stop and think how you want to organize the content.
Our brains do not work sequentially. For example, you will be thinking about a particular year, but a photo will start you thinking about your education or a person you loved and your memories will move down another path. Capture them. You can always go back to the starting point.
Then ask yourself questions. In Linda’s book she identifies hundreds of questions you can use to start a train of thought and documentation.
A critical question is the extent to which you would like others to collaborate with you. There will be other players in your rugby team that would like to share information about you but also add their own reflections on the team. Using Kinscape you can keep some areas totally private and have others that are a team effort. You can have collaborative authorship or sole author Stories or both.
A good example is a Family story. Everybody belongs to two families: their Father’s and their Mother’s. Their interests are like a Venn diagram; some are common to both while others are of more interest or relevancy to the father’s or mother’s family. So, two Communities with different Members. Some Stories shared with both and some for one or the other.
In this way your legacy can become tuned to different audiences if you so wish. That is difficult to do in hard copy but easy in Kinscape.
Peter Cunningham
Founder Kinscape

Educational software has grown in leaps and bounds over the past couple of decades. For many parents and teachers, this has resulted in an overwhelming number of online digital education tools for teaching and learning, and a whole new tech sector, known as edtech or edutech.

From online assessment tools to knowledge tools, and from community-building tools to student information systems, educational institutions are increasingly relying on technology to enhance both the learning and school administrative process. 

Here, we explore an edtech software system that many school administrations across the country have adopted at a district-wide level to track and manage student data: The student information system, also known as SIS.

What is a student information system (SIS)? 

Student information systems go by several names, including school management systems, student administration systems, student information management systems, learning management systems, and student records systems.

While the features of each may vary slightly, the nomenclature can be as confusing as the complexity of the software offerings themselves. However, they all have the same basic purpose and that is to digitize and manage student data

For students attending grade school and higher education, the local school administration selects the SIS it wishes to use, and the student or family creates a student profile for access through an online portal. 

A typical district-selected SIS offers the following basic features:

  • Attendance records
  • Test scores
  • Progress reports
  • Schedules
  • Final grades

Some schools may offer additional features, such as lesson plans, homework alerts, curricula tools, and more, but these features vary in popularity and complexity, and not all teachers use them.

For parents, however, it’s worth bearing in mind that accessibility to important or download records and data likely will be cut off at some point after your child leaves that school or district.

This can be problematic for families who move around a lot, such as military and diplomatic families, among others. 

And if your school district is not unified, your child could end up in at least four different SISs—one each for elementary, middle school, high school, and higher education.

Increasingly, many families, including homeschoolers, are seeing great value in adopting their own private school records systems, set up as a kind of personal SIS, for digitizing, tracking, and managing their children’s educational records.

Benefits of a student information system 

Going paperless offers huge benefits to teachers, school administrators, parents, students, and everyone involved in your child’s education. 

For instance, there are a number of features used by school administrators to automate basic term-time planning tasks, such as creating bell schedules, managing supplementary programs, and tracking aggregated grade scores.

For parents and students, a private and personal SIS – like Kinscape Education – can mean no more loose-leaf binders, filing cabinets, bankers boxes, or whatever other manual systems you have spilling over the dining room table.  

A Kinscape Education SIS not only reduces the clutter, but it helps:

  • Immediate access to prior year records, writing samples, past teacher comments.
  • Better and more comprehensive information strengthens teacher-student-parent communications.
  • Reduce oversights, mistakes, and delays in getting the right information to the right people at the right time.

But one of the biggest benefits is having a safe, secure repository of all information related to your child’s education journey at your fingertips—that’s where a personal SIS or student record management system adds true value.

Setting up your own student record system puts you in control of your child’s education data, regardless of which school your student currently attends, and what data retention policies your school imposes. And it can complement your school’s SIS quite nicely.

the best sis

Compare Student Information Systems 

Of course, not all SISs are created equal.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the benefits of a personal student record keeping system that you set up, control, and manage, compared to the SIS offered by your local school district.

Unless you homeschool, you likely won’t have a say in the type of SIS that your educational institution or district uses. This is why establishing your own personal SIS to keep all of your student’s important educational records safe and secure over time makes perfect sense.

Imagine having instant access to important details from every grade your child ever attended, organized, digitized, and kept perfectly safe until you, or whoever you designate, needs to see them.

Here are some other points to consider when evaluating a personal SIS or student record management system:

– Can you store, share, and organize records not typically kept in the school’s SIS? 

These might include:

  • Reading lists
  • Awards
  • Teacher commendations
  • Extracurricular activities (music, art, sport)

– Does the system allow you to add non-academic achievements and treasured memories?An art project from first grade, photos from a field trip?

What about storing video or audio clips?

How easy is it to give your student’s teachers access and control permissions through specific roles, changing as needed from grade to grade?

Will you have access to these records for as long as you want or need?

Kinscape Education offers all these features in an easy to organize, store, and access format.

The best student information system

At the end of the day, the best SIS is the one that you can use to address any of your child’s academic record needs immediately and with fingertip-access to all important documents. 

For instance, you must be able to:

  • Respond promptly to scholarship opportunities and provide copies of supporting documents.
  • Fill out college applications easily with dates, certificates, and letters of recommendation.
  • Safely store IEPs for regular monitoring and progress tracking.

The best personal SIS is also the one that gives you and your student control over important information for as long as you need it. 

Throughout all those years of hard work, important learning, and milestone achievements, keeping all of these records safe – and in your control – will help give your children a solid understanding of the value of education and help them feel proud of their achievements.

Find out more about Kinscape Education now!

“I always say, keep a diary and someday it’ll keep you,” says Gyles Brandreth in Literary Review. I started mine aged 11, when my great aunt Edith gave me a shortened – “and thoroughly expurgated” – edition of the diaries of Samuel Pepys, which inspired me to keep my own. It’s how I bonded with the veteran MP Tony Benn, “probably the most prolific diarist of his day”. He encouraged me to keep at it and include as much everyday detail as possible. “It’s a dreadful burden,” he said, “but you’ll be grateful in the end.” Tony dictated his diary in later years, which led to misunderstandings in transcription. He told me how he had found “cuddly Pooh” in the middle of one entry, and it had taken him a while to work out that it should have read “Cudlipp, who…” As an MP, I wrote my diaries in the Commons; the rules of the House do not allow you to read books in committee, but you can write them. (Though one colleague did manage to complete War and Peace while serving on the Finance Bill Committee, by photocopying 50 pages a day and tucking them inside the Budget Red Book.) “Mildly squiffy” in the Commons library at 2am, I once wrote a colourful account of a late-night spat I’d witnessed between the Chancellor and the Foreign Secretary. The following morning, “sober and aghast”, I couldn’t find my diary anywhere. I searched high and low before remembering where it was. I rushed to the library and saw Peter Mandelson, already known as the Prince of Darkness, leafing through my papers. “My heart stood still.” Peter looked up and smiled: “I’ve found it.”

Use Kinscape to keep your diary. Keep it in My Personal Space so no one can see it. You can always share it with the family later. We suggest that you have a Story for each year and a Chapter for each month.

If you want to get really detailed, set up a Community ‘Diary – [YYYY]’ where you are the Administrator and have no other Members. Then have a Story for each month in a year  and a Chapter for each day. Dictate your diary entry directly into the day’s Chapter if it is easier.

Now would be a good time to set it up for 2025 in Kinscape.

As we weathered the storm of the pandemic, older adults in independent or assisted living communities faced unique hurdles. Isolation due to Covid restrictions left many feeling adrift and disconnected. But amidst these challenges, some communities discovered heartwarming and highly effective ways to engage residents and kindle connections:

  1. Scrapbooks as Memory Keepers:
    • Imagine a community where scrapbooks became cherished companions. Residents were encouraged to share their memories during this extraordinary period.
    • These scrapbooks weren’t just pages; they were bridges to shared stories. They helped break the ice, fostering connections with those around them.
    • Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge—a challenge or incentive—to unleash a flood of memories, like cracking open a dam. And, so the storytelling begins!
  2. Digital Tools for Connection:
    • Cellphone chats with family members became lifelines. Video calls, complete with audio recordings, bridged the gap.
    • Surprisingly, seemingly ordinary stories held immense value. Memories of bygone eras, distant places, and significant events fascinated and empowered these elderly story authors as well as everyone who was privileged read them – not just family.
  3. The Power of Remembrance:
    • Think about the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Those who lived through historic events like these carry priceless stories of courage and resilience.
    • Aging minds, often confined to long-term memory due to age-related factors, can embrace their past with the right prompts or gentle encouragement.
  4. Technological Solutions:
    • Despite arthritis or keyboard struggles, technology stepped in. Video chat platforms like Facetime and Alexa connected seniors with loved ones.
    • These digital bridges spanned generations, reminding us that memories are timeless treasures.

In summary, fostering connections and preserving memories isn’t just essential—it’s a lifeline for older adults in senior living communities, especially during challenging times like the pandemic. 

Voice Communication Crucial

A dear friend of ours, who volunteers with assisted living communities in California, recently shared her observations about technology for the elderly. Among various options, she found that Alexa (along with Facetime and video chat) stands out as a success. Voice communication is crucial. In the past, recording and distributing personal moments were challenging.

In my own experience, my mother, who was Welsh, used to sing while going about her daily tasks at home. Her melodic tunes filled our house with warmth and memories. Sadly, I couldn’t capture those precious moments back then because the necessary technology didn’t exist. However, times have changed.

Kinscape Makes it Easy

Enter Kinscape—a remarkable platform that allows elderly individuals to record their stories directly into chapters.

Whether using a phone or a PC, they can share their memories, anecdotes, and even songs. Imagine hearing your loved ones’ voices, their enthusiasm shining through as they recount their life experiences. It’s a beautiful way to connect across generations.

And yes, voice-to-text transcription is handy, but there’s something profoundly moving about listening to someone’s authentic voice—whether telling a story or singing a cherished song.

Happy Storytelling!

Peter Cunningham, Founder Kinscape

Educational communities are a major source of support, opportunity, and connection for people and organizations eager to foster learning in pursuit of shared goals. Educators and students are often members of multiple learning communities, whether for instructional support and guidance that’s complementary to classroom, online and at-home study, or to pursue shared interests and hobbies within an educational framework. 

What is an online learning management system (LMS)?

Educational communities may be as simple as a piano teacher regularly communicating with students or as complex as a university hosting multiple programs, associations, and alumni groups. Regardless of size or mission, as students expect learning materials, records, and transcripts to be delivered online in today’s digital age, each of these communities need a robust, secure platform for sharing and developing community affairs and information. An online learning management system (LMS) provides the perfect platform for all these elements.

What are the benefits of using an LMS?

The right online LMS offers a centralized location for storing, sharing, and organizing school records, including diplomas, transcripts, IEP plans, progress reports, and so on. From preschool to post-grad, the learning process can take several decades and span multiple schools, school districts, and involve several academic institutions. 

Student record management

Collecting, tracking, and sharing records from all of these institutions over time can be important as students make progress, but oftentimes, paper records are lost, details are forgotten, and certificates of proof are rarely available immediately when you have to act quickly on an opportunity or meet a pressing application deadline.

Not only does Kinscape offer a robust, secure platform for educational communities eager to share, collaborate, and organize tools for learning, but it provides an excellent repository for school materials across learning environments, supplementary education, and academic institutions. 

In addition to education documents, transcripts, diploma work, school applications and other materials, Kinscape also lets you add notes with explanations as needed—for instance if a transcript is incomplete or letter of recommendation need categorizing. 

Learning management system features

To understand the LMS features available in Kinscape, we spoke with Lynne Rey, busy Mom, artist, writer, power-boater, homeschool coach, small business owner, and parent of three who’s been using Kinscape to keep track and store her children’s important academic records and achievements.

“I use Kinscape a lot for family events, sharing, and other things, but one of the most valuable uses has been keep track of my children’s educational lives and digitize student records,” Lynne says. “We travel quite a bit and my children often need their school records, so I needed a place where I can instantly share the right document. I’ve set up a community for each child and separated each one into preschool, pre-K to 4th grade, 5th to 8th grade, high school, college, and beyond. When my daughter was attending graduate school in London, she needed to access her transcripts. Despite being separated by an ocean, I could easily share her documents safely stored in Kinscape. Within minutes, she had what she needed. It’s so easy and practical.”

Building an online learning community

Another feature that Lynne particularly appreciates is the ability to build community and control who has access to the information in that community. While most parents wouldn’t want to share out the majority of the personal education information in Kinscape, being able to give the student, educators, counselors, and other education advisors easy access to the information is a definite advantage.

“It’s not just another cloud storage drive because it’s editable, easy to organize, and incredibly secure,” Lynne adds. “Kinscape’s attention to security and privacy mean our most sensitive information is kept safe. That gives us important peace of mind, as well as being handy to have all this information in one place.”

Communication and collaboration for educators and students

To help ease communication between educators, parents, and students, Admin rights make it possible to share information as needed, and then change teacher or educator access when the student moves on to the next grade or another school.

“Kinscape’s flexibility and ease of use has made it an essential tool for storing my kids’ records, diplomas, and more,” Lynne concludes.

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