Kinscape Communities
A Truly Private Social Network
- Build Communities
- Share Life Experiences
- Celebrate Your Stories
All Private, Invite People to Join,
All Your Members are Free!

Build Your Online Community Simply and Securely
Kinscape is a private Community platform that lets you easily create, share, organize and nurture your social connections.
Share Your Stories
Capture those precious moments and safely share them with your family, friends and other important Communities.
Nurture Your Connections
You're a part of many Communities. Keep in touch with everyone, build new connections, and stay in control of what you share with each group.
Enjoy a Safe and Secure Network
Privacy and security are at the core of Kinscape's philosophy. Your stories, posts, and other data are safely stored and privately shared by only you.
Private Sharing and Collective Storytelling
Create Communities for your family, friends, memberships, organizations, and other groups. Connect privately to share your content or work on it together.
No ads, no third-party data share, no tracking.
- You enjoy features such as short-form and long-form Stories, voice-recording, photo collage, video and more.
- You decide who can see your content.
- You assign roles and permissions to your Community Members.
- We protect your privacy and keep your data secure.
- We make it easy to tell your Stories.
- We safely store your media in Private Vaults.

Build Lots of Communities in Kinscape!
Create Different Types to Match Your Audience
Here are just a few examples …

Family Communities
Record your memoirs and family Stories to pass down to next generations, share precious moments with the people you love and trust, and take the long distance out of relationships.

Clubs and Organizations
Start a Community for your club, association, enterprise, or other special interest group to share news, retain your institutional memory, and organize other important information.

Friend Communities
Keep in touch with your special group of friends no matter how busy life gets, and if your Tuesday morning yoga friends don’t have much in common with your Friday night happy hour group, give them each their own Community.

Communities for Teams
Create a private online Community for your team where you can share schedules, team rosters, post photos and messages, and celebrate your special events and victories.

Education Communities
Keep track of student files, records, transcripts, essays, awards, diplomas and more, whether you’re home-schooling, communicating with teachers, sharing learning materials, or witnessing your student’s educational journey.