Using Kinscape on iPhone or iPad

Getting Started with the Kinscape App

Open the Safari app.

Enter “”  into the address field and tap Go.

Tap the Share icon, which features an up-pointing arrow from a box along the bottom of the Safari window, to open a drop-down menu.

Scroll up and below Copy find Add to Home Screen and tap + on RHS.

Tap Add on RHS of Add to Home Screen.

Safari will close automatically, and you will be taken to the icon on your iPhone or iPad’s home screen.

Logging In or Signing Up for Kinscape

  1. Tap the Kinscape icon to open the app’s Home screen.
  2. On the home screen, choose Login to access an existing account, or select Education or Communities to sign up for a new account.
  3. Once logged in, you can save your login information using FaceID and your device’s saved passwords, so you won’t have to enter your details each time.

Uploading Images or Files to Kinscape

  1. To upload a photo or file, open the Kinscape app and select a Community or My Personal Space, then go to the Vault.
  2. Tap Upload, then select Choose Files to Upload.
  3. Select the photo or file source, choose the item you want to upload, and tap Add.
  4. Tap Insert to complete the upload.

You’re all set! Now you can explore Kinscape’s features on your iPhone or iPad, like uploading videos and voice messages to your Stories using the microphone or video icons. Enjoy!

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