How to Connect with Family Far Away

The Best Alternative to Facebook for Privacy & Security

With about 2.9 billion active monthly users, Facebook is arguably the world’s leading social media and social networking service today. But the number of subscribers regularly changes as members often come and go for many reasons, including those looking for social network and group alternatives. 

Why do people leave Facebook?

So just what are the reasons for trying to find an alternative to Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends, and share precious moments? Certainly, negative press and scandals such as Cambridge Analytica, the Snowden leaks, and political manipulation have stirred criticism and fueled controversy.

But among the Facebook members we spoke with, motives are often complex and varied. A major complaint we heard over and over is that the Facebook algorithm doesn’t always show every post from friends or family, but instead shows you what it thinks is engaging content. For many, this is both frustrating and creepy.

Others expressed concerned about wasting too much time on the platform or that they worry about its echo-chamber effects and the negative psychological and health impacts from social comparison and feelings of envy. Other reasons include:

  • Concerns over data privacy. Again, this is a major issue as members increasingly resent being tracked and their personal data used for ad targeting.
  • Irrelevant and overshared posts, which often show in newsfeeds and are difficult to control.
  • Difficulty managing overblown networks without unfriending people and damaging relationships.
  • Reputation damage from old posts that are still floating out there from those raucous teenage years.
  • Unsustainable social obligations. For instance, having to like posts back or feeling duty bound to post a funny comment.
  • Distracting clickbait that just seems to come from nowhere.
  • Security threats from phishing scams that try to harvest information to hack your password and hijack your account.
  • False advertising from fake companies trying to sell you miracle products.
  • Disinformation, whether political, health-related, or simply malicious.
  • Ethical concerns as the company dominates the social media industry and whistleblowers leak stories of unethical behavior.
Alternative to Facebook, private social media

Facebook Group Alternative

Whatever the reason, finding an alternative to Facebook for keeping in touch, networking, and sharing important information about your life can be challenging. Many platforms target specific features and lack robustness in others. For instance, Twitter and Instagram support short posts and images, TikTok focuses on video, and Pinterest is based on image sharing.

Other alternatives, such as NextDoor and Dischord, support specific member communities with limited features. And while the list of social media options continues to grow, few have been able to incorporate all the handy features members crave without the drawbacks of a freemium business model.

Facebook Messenger Alternative

There may be many reasons why people are looking for an alternative to Facebook Messenger to connect with family. Reasons may also include privacy and data tracking concerns. Alternatives, such as Skype and WhatsApp, offer many of the features commonly used and may be suited for either business or personal use specifically. However, managing multiple messenger apps for different audiences can be burdensome and time-consuming.

Private and Secure Facebook Alternative

When we designed Kinscape, we listened to many Facebook members who were frustrated with current social media options and wanted to connect more intimately with family and friends in a safe, private environment. Turns out, many of the people we spoke with were fed up with the pervasive and exploitive advertising model, and unhappy with loss of personal data control. 

From there, we listed out the networking features that were important in helping people stay connected, share precious moments with loved ones, and keep up to date. These features include:

  • Ad-free social networking
  • No targeting or newsfeed manipulation
  • Members have 100% ownership and control of data
  • User-friendly access and controls
  • Easy-to-create communities and groups of specific contacts
  • Private chat function
  • Collaboration tools for storytelling and information sharing
  • Safe, private, photo, video, voice, and document storage
find your facebook alternative with kinscape

Rather than simply cloning Facebook to create a mediocre alternative with similar useability issues and limitations, we designed Kinscape, a new and exciting kind of subscription-based social media network. Not only is privacy and data security at the heart of everything about Kinscape, but we took the kinds of features people were already enjoying and improved them.

Connect with Family and Friends in an Ad-Free Space

There are many flexible ways in Kinscape to share, invite members, and create content within your communities, making them a powerful alternative to Facebook groups, Pinterest boards, WhatsApp groups, and other networking apps. Here are just a few of you’ll love and want to take advantage of as you build your network:

  • No ads, no clickbait, no tracking: Subscription based means that rather than selling your data to the highest bidder through targeted advertisements, you pay a small monthly or annual fee and can take advantage of all of Kinscape’s features without fear of having your data exploited or sold.
  • 100% control of your data: Every feature in Kinscape comes with an option for you to share if, when, how, to whom, and where you choose. Just you, no one else decides. And if you feel as though you’re seeing too much of someone else’s content, you can adjust that setting, too. 
  • Create communities of any size: Communities in Kinscape can be as small or as large as you like, and you can have as many as you like, but they’re all distinct. Family, close friends, knitting circles, soccer teams, local clubs, school alumni, school records, work colleagues—the options are endless and designed to cater to the communities you interact with separately in your daily life.
  • Create stories and build legacies: There really is no true alternative to the story feature in Kinscape, as it gives you the flexibility to create stories that are as long or as short as you like, and use multiple types of content—photos, video, voice recording, PDFs, and more to tell your story. Again, you choose who to share your story with, whether you’d like them to collaborate in building it, and then publish if and when you’re ready. You can set the date to publish as well.
  • Stay in touch with private messages: Our messaging feature lets you stay in touch, ask a quick question, or reach out to your contacts any time, letting you choose whether to message a community or individuals in a totally private and secure setting. No worries that if you ask Uncle Dan about his bout of stomach flu, you’re going to start seeing ads for ant-acids in your newsfeed.
  • Store important data and content in your own private vault: Another popular and unique feature in Kinscape is its private Vault where you can safely store your online content. Kinscape automatically stores the content you upload into your communities here, but you also have the option to upload other precious digital items, such as PDFs, videos, voice files, and more. It remains accessible at all times, but safe and private, until you’re ready to share.

If you’re on the hunt for a good alternative to Facebook and looking to avoid newsfeed algorithms, targeted ads, data protection risks, and more, be sure to do your research and give Kinscape a tour. We’re confident you’ll find it offers many of the features you enjoy without the issues that can keep you up at night worrying.

And to make it even easier, you can get started for free straightaway, and see for yourself how flexible and fun staying in touch through social media can be.

Visit and sign up now.

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